

Lyrics : David LINXMusic : KADOSCH
Arrangement : Alexandre MIHANOVICH
Paint : Maria de CERQUEIRA LEITE

Soloist : David LINX, vocal
KADOSCH, acoustic guitar ♦ Cristina AZUMA, viola caïpiraLena GUTKE, flute ♦ Alix PENGILI, oboeValérie GUEROULT, clarinet Gabriel VERNHES, bassoon Ludovic BALLA, violin ♦ Jason MEYER, violin Françoise RENARD, viola ♦ Mimi SUNNERSTAM, cello Emek EVCI, double bass

Ships turn their backs on harbor nights
They live behind the harbor lights
Looking for clues from wave to wave
For new ways to behave

With every mile, a little more
They leave their loved ones on the shore
There in between promise and fear
A little nod, a message lingering near
On the wings of a new dream

Because the sea gives to the wind
The stories hiding in the deep
Cause now the sea’s a moving witness
Protecting cradles counting sheep

Storms will settle they always do
A heaving sigh tells us we’re through
Like lovers reading every cloud
The ending’s always loud

A secret wish will swim along
Like dolphins dancing to our song
The waves will part as they come near
A little word of love replacing fear
In the arms of a brand new dream

Because the sea gives to the wind
The stories hiding in the deep
Cause now the sea is a moving witness
Protecting cradles counting sheep

Tetê ESPINDOLA (vocal)
& Gueorgui KORNAZOV (trombone)

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